Don't sabotage your success!
What Do Your Clothes Say About YOU?
Have you ever wanted to know what your clothes say about you? That’s always been my passion! Malloy‘s “Women’s Dress for Success” book provided guidelines for 'power dressing', but no research to support them. How did Malloy know wearing a particular outfit would result in certain perceptions or behaviors? Were his predictions accurate and valid or just opinion?
To answer those questions, I studied social psychology of clothing and completed extensive research to test his theories. I discovered clothing can be far more powerful than I ever imagined! Over the years, I amassed a treasure trove of fascinating results showing how clothing communicates. I've published in top journals, and presented to many academic scholars; unfortunately, the information failed to make its way to the average woman - until now.
Why Does It Matter?
As a fashion professor, I’ve observed women’s business dress deteriorate from ‘power dressing’ to little more than ‘club wear,' thanks to the steady diet of sexualized depictions of women served up by the fashion industry and media. The media's unprecedented attention to clothing and fashion offers nowhere to find reliable information on what your clothes really say about you.
That’s a problem since the way we dress tells the world who we are and influences the decisions people make about us. My students are often unaware of the negative messages sent by their fashionable-but-sexy clothing. They too often sabotage their efforts to land that dream job by wearing clothes that send the wrong message. How do I know? Because I talk with recruiters to discover why they were not hired!
What can You Do?
If you want to dress to favorably manage people's impressions, you must know what your clothes are saying. Click here to learn how to dress strategically, achieve your goals and make fashion your instrument – not your dictator!