Expertise & Research
​Clothing: Perceptions and Behavior
Social Psychology of Clothing
Brand Image and Behavior
8 - International & National Best Research Paper Awards
2 - Best Journal Article Awards
Editor, Clothing & Textiles Research Journal & other Journals
Secured Over $1 million in Competitive Research Funding
Published research in several top academic journals.
Presented research at dozens of national & international audiences.
Presented at conferences worldwide.
Consulted on clothing communication and image.
Consulted on brand image and trademark infringement issues.
​Dressing for success: The myth and the reality.
Effect of clothing on interviewer's decision to hire.
Effect of clothing on perception of masculine and feminine traits.
Influence of dress on interviewer's selection decisions.
Dress as an influence on the perception of management characteristics in women.
Effect of clothing cues on impression formation: More is less.
Influence of clothing on the perception of personal characteristics.
What are Your Clothes Saying About You?
I've addressed this topic for the following international, national and local organizations..​.
Society for Human Resource Management
International Textile and Apparel Association
American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
Academy of Marking Science
Psychology of Fashion, National Conference
Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine
Women’s Philanthropy Board, Auburn University Foundation
Consumer and Design Sciences, Auburn University
Kiwanis Organization